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3 / 5
Based on 5 votes

Cafe Restaurant Compose

Restaurant in Annapolis Royal   Bar in Annapolis Royal  

Restaurant and Bar based at 235 Saint George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS B0S 1A0

Contacts: address, phone number and etc.

Address 235 Saint George Street, Annapolis Royal, NS B0S 1A0
Get directions
Phone number +1 902-532-1251

Opening hours Closed now. Today: 11:30 am — 02:30 pm 05:00 pm — 08:30 pm

Sunday 11:30 am — 02:30 pm
05:00 pm — 08:30 pm
Monday 11:30 am — 02:30 pm
05:00 pm — 08:30 pm
Tuesday 11:30 am — 02:30 pm
05:00 pm — 08:30 pm
Wednesday 05:00 pm — 08:30 pm
Thursday 11:30 am — 02:30 pm
05:00 pm — 08:30 pm
Friday 11:30 am — 02:30 pm
05:00 pm — 08:30 pm
Saturday 11:30 am — 02:30 pm
05:00 pm — 08:30 pm


Reviews about Cafe Restaurant Compose

  • 3 / 5
    By Carlos
    We were turned away at 2 despite the restaurant closing at 2:30 (as per google and their own signs). The ambiance looked good though, and the restaurant is definitely in a great location. Giving 3 stars to be fair.
    June 16, 2017
  • 4 / 5
    By Kirkpatrick Wood
    Nice atmosphere and friendly service. Wasn't expecting Austrian cuisine options in Nova Scotia! We were lucky enough to get a table without a reservation.
    June 03, 2017
  • 3 / 5
    By Eric Mao
    - very nice outdoor seating
    - fancier; food quantity small and more expensive
    - good service
    - lobster roll was fresh but too light and crisp tasting (like a salad) in comparison to a meatier and fuller roll
    March 13, 2017
  • 4 / 5
    By Kiril Strax
    It seems this place has 2 different identities: a more casual crowd during lunch time, and a more formal during the dinner. And the food matches those two styles as well: lunch has more playful options with local seafood, while dinner options are more traditional and rich.
    January 31, 2017
  • 1 / 5
    By Sarah Camsell
    Very poor service. The older German lady was very rude to her staff. It was embarrassing to see as a customer. She was also very rude to my 80 year old father. He has early signs of dementia, so he thinks a bit slower...and she had no patience with him and started yelling at him! Dont support this woman with your business.
    September 19, 2016
How would you rate Cafe Restaurant Compose?

Menu of Restaurant and Bar Cafe Restaurant Compose

Cafe Restaurant Compose is a restaurant and bar based in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. To learn the menu, call the phone number indicated on the website.

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